Wisms – The List

  • Well it rhymes doesn’t it. ‘New York’, ‘New Year’
  • You’re victimizing us unconsciously
  • The verdict is out
  • He’s not a moron, he’s wroten two books
  • I am black…….sorry, glad
  • You know me. I don’t empower
  • You should keep your 5 pences cos you never know how much they’re worth
  • Possession is 5/10ths of the law
  • I was so annoyed the hairs on my spine stood up
  • Same jockey, different horse
  • If it ain’t fixed don’t break it
  • My horse doesn’t like driving
  • I was listening to what they were saying on the radiator this morning
  • We have a new system we have to infiltrate
  • By the end of the marathon I digressed 20 years
  • We’ll have a meeting to get all our ducks on the road
  • No underpants ? Are you going incognito ?
  • I’ve had to fight hammer and tooth
  • I’ve got to get out to blow away the dandruff
  • You don’t want to shoot yourself in the head
  • It’s like closing the door before the barn bolts
  • It’s not brand new. It’ll be a year old next year
  • She’s following you around like a rash
  • What’s up pussycat ?
  • It’s synthetically pleasing to the eye
  • It rings a vague bell
  • Hindsight is a……powerful…..adversary
  • He thinks he’s the bees bollocks
  • Fit as a butchers job
  • We’ve got to get the balls in motion
  • ‘Hello Paula, what are you chewing ?’ Paula – ‘Its my braces’
  • I was sick as a carrot
  • That’s very hirsute of you
  • Even the smell makes my tongue burn
  • I’m going for a Jimmy Riddle, and that’s Cockney Slime
  • He’s for the high chop
  • I cooked turkey last Christmas, the smell was awful. You’d swear it had died
  • It’s up like a dog’s back, hind leg
  • Everything’s hunky in the garden
  • James Bolam ? Wasn’t he in the Lively Birds?
  • Yesterday in France it was 36 degrees in the shed
  • We are not reliable for obsolete stock
  • What’s that place? Begins with L…………..’Newcastle Emlyn’….’Yes that’s it’
  • It’s nine votes against nine and Remi’s absconded
  • We’ll toss for it. Anyone got a two handed coin ?
  • This one is hot off the agenda
  • They’ve launched an H20 range going with the ‘air’ theme
  • We’ll keep that between I , you and me
  • Why hasn’t your company got any female staff ? It’s racist
  • Did you watch ‘Walking The Dead’ on tv last night?

