Wisms The List 401 -444

Wisms – The List

  • I’ll have to keep my finger on the ball
  • As intimidated in my email
  • You ain’t nothing but a ground dog
  • I’m waiting for them to come off the pot
  • We’re treading on sticky water
  • ….ice cream, strawberry or manila ?
  • My life is my lobster
  • Its like a Chinese. Southern Fried Chicken and Chips
  • You nearly shit me then
  • The price has gone through the window
  • It’s ‘S’ for sugar and ‘T’ for tea
  • There’s some good offers at the moment. You can get a one way ticket for £89 return
  • I don’t have time to think outside the square
  • It’s etch, for elfy
  • Come over or I’ll be on my tits
  • …. Two reasons. A we need copies….and A………….
  • I had a puncture in my front rear tyre
  • He sent him a signed autograph
  • I get called every name under the rainbow
  • He’s throwing his rattle out of the cage
  • I don’t want to start World War Six
  • He’s not the brightest tool in the box
  • Surely it’s beyond the wit of man
  • Two teas and a cup of tea please
  • Tomorrow’s weather. Showers with sunny interviews
  • They want to air it after the water schedule time
  • Do you like the band Godzillas ?
  • I’ll have two if you’ve got one
  • I’ll be like a whippet up a drainpipe
  • It will give us a good feel factor
  • If she tells them to do something , they ask how high
  • ‘A few weeks’ being the optimum word
  • I haven’t got a monkey’s clue
  • We’ll have to cut through the chaff
  • They’re nipping Marketing’s wings
  • My money’s going in this hand, and in that hand
  • Then you’ve got a leg to stand on
  • He had 8 kids…………….it’s like the 10 disciples
  • It’s 001, like James bond
  • Do nothing until all the dots and t’s are crossed
  • He knows every swear language in the world
  • In cricket, if it’s a draw then the emperor decides
  • ‘X’….for Christmas
