Wisms – The List

  • It’s the icing on the biscuit
  • Lily Savage ? She’s a bit near the cuff
  • He really got my tits going
  • You don’t have a dog and wag your tail
  • The quantities are piddly poor
  • It’s my neck in the frame
  • A problem halved is a problem shared
  • A right pain in the thorn
  • I suggested a mail drop. This always sparks my eyes
  • It’s the chicken wagging the dog
  • Tony sold us a poof
  • We are in dire shit
  • They must take me for a real dim bot
  • Alan has got his captain’s ship on
  • Any QA Manager worth his weight in salt
  • We’ll have to jump through summersaults
  • Get your fruit and two veg out
  • You know me Rod, I don’t jump at straws
  • I’ll have one eye on the radio
  • If you lace my palms with silver
  • Why are we always caught between a devil and a hard place ?
  • We spent £15,000 and its just sitting there doing dust
  • Yes I’m late but that’s part of the course
  • John and I had a tete a tite
  • I’m prepared to put my liver and onions on it
  • My New Year’s Resolution is to give up fucking……….I mean swearing
  • I’m a bit of a back seat passenger
  • At 12.30 on the dot …ish
  • No that’s not no
  • It’s just a pie in the ocean
  • White is a vaginal colour
  • Sharon’s having the short end of the stick at the moment
  • If he doesn’t pull his finger off..
  • …but if this proves unreproductive then….
  • My enthusiasm is starting to Duane
  • Choke the Bishop. Try again….
  • Bang the Butler
  • The issue was that there is no issue
  • I got out of bed the wrong day
  • He argued this toss
  • He went at it like it was tomorrow
  • They’ve eaten the biscuit
  • If push came to shuff
  • The Doctor said I was a medical misnomer
  • People shouldn’t throw stones at greenhouses
  • Have you got a sec a minute ?
  • Let’s look at it with a fresh point of eyes
  • You’ll go blind writing so close to the paper
  • We missed the mark by a long short
  • Shut your fuck up

