Wisms The List

  • He set a President
  • He had to put his ……5 eggs in
  • He was just proriferating
  • This cap is beautiful. It looks just like a tit
  • Our split of domestic to export is 70/20
  • My handbag’s not big enough to fit a pigeon
  • Listen to your emails
  • I’m not a teacher’s arse
  • I said look at least I can make a decision. I’m not just sitting on the pot
  • I think you are just throwing the baby away with the basket
  • I was like a bear with a sore thumb
  • You know me I don’t forget anything. I’ve got a brain like a squirrel
  • Complaints will be coming in thick and thin
  • You’ve got to take the swings with the roundabouts
  • I was a bit pert with him
  • We don’t want the fire to re-immerse
  • Its all whistles and bells and bed knobs flashing
  • At Spar you end up paying over the moon…. er over the nose
  • I knew him when he was just a cheeky little upstand
  • You don’t want to dig up old wounds
  • I’m a good feeler
  • I was pissing my head off
  • My German’s more better now
  • Leave us to sort out the iron
  • I told you and I don’t want to overlabel the issue
  • We made a right dog’s ear out of it
  • I thought it was a pungent point to make
  • They are testing it and making us the hamsters
  • QA have to make a fucking molehill out of everything
  • Remember that game where you have to load things on a donkey – Kangaroo
  • The guy who was looking at the report was having an organism
  • You know me. I’ve got the patience of a Satan
  • The restaurant was so good. It had Civil Service
  • I had to put a stake in the ground and I knew I could be crucifixed on it
  • I never win those contests: Crab Paper Rock and Stone
  • I didn’t want to get my nupples racked
  • Shut your fucking face off
  • I’m washing my fingers of it
  • I apologise, I make no apologies
  • Rather than say the word cut, I would use the word deferred
  • Do it now or you’ll be in shit trouble
  • We argued quite arguably
  • You’ll end up burying your hand in the sand
  • I’d like to make an off the card suggestion
  • We’ll catch base later
  • Don’t put me on the Asquare box
  • I’m working on the promise that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong
  • We’ve got them by the tight and curlies
  • He was really going on, pontificking
  • I’m not doing anything until all the Ai’s and At’s are crossed

