Wisms – The List

  • He went totally off his bike
  • We’re going to be bent out of our trolleys
  • Rectify after the horse has bolted
  • Caught between a stick and a hard place
  • This old boy was 70 going on a day
  • So I said to him ‘Come on! Put your hand where your mouth is’
  • There is more than one way to skin a goat
  • It’s not life or death threatening
  • No chance Jose
  • He’s off to the loony bin farm
  • She’s as useless as a chocolate sausage
  • It would be reminisce of me not to point out the problems
  • He’s a sharp as a bell
  • John has set the carrot in motion
  • That sounds plaudable
  • I told them that in 5 years’ time they would either survive or die. And I was right
  • They must think I’m the worst thing since sliced bread
  • And of course I’d gone through all of the palaphanalia of arranging it
  • He was one of the second best in the country
  • He hasn’t got a brain between his legs
  • Steve will have the joy of our pleasure
  • Spin the other leg
  • I’m going to burn my boats when I leave this place
  • You are not very evoluted are you ?
  • She is a wild cannon
  • You’ll have to pull your finger off
  • It’s half a dozen of one and a dozen of the other
  • I want to make sure we have all our ducks covered in a row
  • I will get back to you as soon as I get back to you
  • At what time do you eat at 1 ?
  • Robin has signed his monocle on that one
  • She gets people’s names arse backwards. She has name anorexia
  • It’s an eye in the ointment
  • The colour is less intent
  • I had to go to Marketing with my hands on my knees
  • It’s all gone bear shape
  • We can’t take any short backs
  • John will have to get down on all four knees and pray
  • About 1/3 are bad and ¾ are ok
  • Could I have two single returns
  • It’s been like that since the word dot
  • He’s like a potato couch
  • It’s approximatively wrong
  • We fall into the same boat
  • It’s arse about backwards
  • We pulled it out into the heat
  • What are our drip dead dates ?
  • Chris will have to put his cock where his mouth is
  • He’s new. He is just feeling his feet
  • He was riding on the crust of a wave

