If it ain’t broke…….fix it. Wisms

Kenny used everything around him to inspire creativity and made the most of every moment.

Always on the lookout for a new idea, he was a keen student of human behaviour. Working in a factory office environment provided an Oxbridge standard of materials for his education.   

There was the Wisms list.

We are human. We frequently muddle up our words, mix metaphors or simply talk complete and utter bollocks. It tends to happen a lot in work situations where we are maybe under more stress and feel the pressure to deliver the right answer all the time. Ken simply became aware of this, observed it and started making a note of what people said. It was done in a light hearted way, not too seriously and with a laugh. He was just holding up a mirror so we can see what we look like. True-isms.

It started with a list of 5 or so things. When he shared the fledgling list with us it went viral. Like Frankenstein’s child it took on a life of it’s own. Within a few months the whole workplace was contributing with new additions. The list now runs into hundreds.

So the next time you have been running round like a blue arsed chicken or just having a bad day take a break, relax and reflect on your troubles. Then gain some perspective with this lovely gift that dear Ken created for us. Read a few and immediately the world is a better place.

The actual things that were said by actual humans…………but were actually bollocks.
